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Fill the blanks for IELTS Reading test

Direction(1-15)  In each of the following sentences, there is a blank space, followed by some choices of words given in options. You have to determine which of these words fits well in all making them meaningful and grammatically correct. Word can be modified according to the tense of the sentence keeping the meaning of root word intact. If none of these words fit well, mark your answer as none of these.


A. This book is the _______  of many years of hard work.
B. People are often _________ of their surroundings and upbringing.
C. The billionaire philanthropist tastes the ________  of a machine that processes human sewage into drinking water and electricity.
(a) nature
(b) specification
(c) meaning
(d) product
(e) inclined


A.In the 1970s, we all wore _______  and bell-bottom pants.
B.He stepped up onto the _________ and looked out into the audience.
C.The company plans to use the show as a ________  to launch the new soft drink.
(a) cloth
(b) new
(c) platforms
(d) stair
(e) path


A.There are many ________  built into the system to prevent fraud.
B.There are steps you can take to ________  against identity theft.
C.the charity called for tougher ________  to protect Britain's remaining natural forests
(a) home
(b) protect
(c) rights
(d) safeguards
(e) loops


A.High fever, nausea, and _________   sweating are some of the symptoms.
B.She was reprimanded for her _________   tardiness.
C. _________ alcohol consumption is a major public health problem in the United States.
(a) advance
(b) display
(c) equally
(d) excessive
(e) platform


A.We want to _________ students to read more.
B.He claims the new regulations will _________ people to invest.
C.I am _________ that the project seems to be moving ahead.
(a) initiate
(b) remove
(c) encourage
(d) stop
(e) indulge


A.A considerable/significant ______  of the city was flooded.
B.A _________ of the donations will be given to the orphanage.
C.She was _________ with sorrow throughout her life.
(a) combination
(b) half
(c) portion
(d) capital
(e) quality


A. Many young people are still shedding the  _________ of our parents.
B. A negative attitude about another race is an example of  _________.
C. When tobacco was first used, people were largely _________ of the harmful side effects of it.
(a) motivated
(b) ignorance
(c) tears
(d) happiness
(e) enthusiastic


A. Don't believe everything she tells you. She's prone to _________.
B. The stories he told about his military service were just _________.
C. The light bulb was one of the most important _________ of the 19th century.
(a) inventions
(b) discovery
(c) layman
(d) lie
(e) mimic


A. All of these elements _________ to make a wonderfully entertaining movie.
B. This method of payment _________ the advantages of cash with the convenience of a check.
C. The groups have _________ forces to lobby for reform.
(a) exclusive
(b) several
(c) combined
(d) try
(e) develop


A. His attention to detail shows in the _________  of his work.
B. The store sells _________  furniture at reasonable prices.
C. Counselors are urging that working parents try to spend more _________  time with their children.
(a) depth
(b) makes
(c) quality
(d) sells
(e) accurate


A. We're working to _________ how large a part it represents.
B. They are unable to accurately _________ the ship's position at this time.
C. The new policy will be _________ by a special committee.
(a) start
(b) give
(c) find
(d) determine
(e) search


A. I don't mean to make _________ of this very serious issue.
B. He was given a surprisingly _________ sentence for his crimes.
C. Many people doubted his theory, but most of them have now finally seen the _________. 
(a) level
(b) below
(c) adsorb
(d) intense
(e) light


A. He was my friend and my  _________ in the early years of my career.
B. If past experience is any _________, we're in for a long and difficult project.
C. your resting pulse rate is a rough _________ to your general physical condition
(a) help
(b) colleague
(c) friend
(d) guide
(e) way


A. Car sales were one of the few _________ spots for the economy last year.
B. His peers remember him as a _________ man who spoke softly and occasionally came across       as a bit shy.
C. Whose _________ idea was it to leave the refrigerator open?
(a) mention
(b) incident
(c) bright
(d) accurate
(e) aspect


A. he accepted the _________ of the City of Glasgow"
B. He thinks children these days have too much _________.
C. The new style of painting gave artists new _________.
(a) freedom
(b) time
(c) money
(d) portion
(e) display



S1. Ans.(d)
Sol. Option D is the most appropriate answer which fits in all three statements.
product-something that is the result of a process.
someone or something that is produced or influenced by a particular environment or experience.
"Inclined" comes with "to" not "of" hence option E is incorrect.

S2. Ans.(c)
Sol. Option C is the most appropriate answer which fits in all three statements.
platform-a flat surface that is raised higher than the floor or ground and that people stand on when performing or speaking.
something that allows someone to tell a large number of people about an idea, product, etc.
Platform also means a shoe with a very thick sole — usually plural

S3. Ans.(d)
Sol. Option D is the most appropriate answer which fits in all three statements.
safeguards- something that provides protection against possible loss, damage, etc.

S4. Ans.(d)
Sol. Option D is the most appropriate answer which fits in all three statements. Other options do not give coherent meaning.
excessive- going beyond the usual, necessary, or proper limit or degree.

S5. Ans.(c)
Sol.Option C is the most appropriate answer which fits in all three statements.
encourage- to make (someone) more likely to do something; to make (someone) more determined, hopeful, or confident

S6. Ans.(c)
Sol.Option C is the most appropriate answer which fits in all three statements.
portion -to provide with a lot or fate, a part of a larger amount, area, etc, the amount of food that is served to a person at one time

S7. Ans.(b)
Sol.Option B is the most appropriate answer which fits in all three statements.
ignorance-a lack of knowledge, understanding, or education: the state of being ignorant

S8. Ans.(a)
Sol.Option A is the most appropriate answer which fits in all three statements.
invention-the act of inventing something; something invented: such as; the act of inventing something; Don't believe everything she tells you. She's prone to the invention. [=exaggeration, lying]

S9. Ans.(c)
Sol. Option C is the most appropriate answer which fits in all three statements.
combined to cause (two or more things) to be together or to work together; to have (two or more different things) at the same time

S10. Ans.(c)
Sol. Option C is the most appropriate answer which fits in all three statements.

S11. Ans.(d)
Sol. determine-to officially decide (something) especially because of evidence or facts: to establish (something) exactly or with authority; to learn or find out (something) by getting information

S12. Ans.(e)
Sol. Option E is the most appropriate answer which fits in all three statements.
make light of- to treat (something, such as a problem) in a joking way: to not be serious about (something important)
see the light-to suddenly understand or realize the truth of something

S13. Ans.(d)
Sol. Option D is the most appropriate answer which fits in all three statements.
guide-a person who helps to direct another person's behavior, life, career, etc.
Guide also means a thing that helps someone to form an opinion or make a decision or calculation.

S14. Ans.(c)
Sol. Option C is the most appropriate answer which fits in all three statements.
bright- showing intelligence , often used in a joking or ironic way to describe a foolish idea, action, etc.
bright spot-a good thing that occurs during a bad or difficult time

S15. Ans.(a)
Sol. Option A is the most appropriate answer which fits in all three statements.
freedom-the state of being free: such as
-the power to do what you want to do: the ability to move or act freely.



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